Congratulations to Kimberly George, RN in Nursery/Women’s Health for being selected at the June Working on Wellness Employee of the Month! Kim is a knowledgeable wellness role model for her peers, friends, and family.
About Kim
Kim is originally from Pocatello, Idaho where she grew up as an athlete playing volleyball, basketball, and tennis. After high school, she studied Exercise Physiology, combining her education with what she loved to do most, be physically active. Kim’s passion for Exercise Physiology lead her to become a personal trainer and health educator at Campbell County Hospital. She didn’t stop there. Over time, she became interested in a career in nursing and ended up at the University of Wyoming studying for her Bachelors of Science in Nursing. Today, Kim works as a nurse in Nursery and Women’s Health at Sheridan Memorial Hospital.
Even though she is thoroughly educated in the concepts of health promotion, Kim is still motivated to improve her personal wellness more every day so that she can keep up with her two young daughters and set the example of what a healthy lifestyle looks like. Kim’s lifestyle is centered on maintaining a healthy mind, body, and attitude.
Balanced Lifestyle
Each morning, Kim starts the day with some Foundation Training to wake up her mind and set her body up to move in the best way all day long. On days when she’s not working hard to take care of patients, she does one of her favorite activities, going to the gym. Kim actually met her husband at the gym, so they obviously encourage each other to stay active and strong. Kim’s focus at the gym isn’t about what she looks like, but about staying strong as well as pain and injury free. At meal times, Kim tries to teach her daughters to have a balanced diet, with lots of fruits and veggies instead of processed foods. Before having kids, Kim struggled with this concept herself, but she tries to stay consistent, and remind herself and her family that eating nourishing foods is beneficial to all parts of the body and mind.

Kim’s advice to others:
- Instead of saying, “I don’t have time,” say, “It’s not a priority” and see how that feels. If living a healthy lifestyle is a priority to you, you will find a way to make it happen.
- Watch your habits and not your weight. “Health is not about the number on the scale, but about the majority of your habits. If you have good habits, then a healthy body and mind will follow.”
- “Try to focus on what you should be eating and not on what you should not be eating. If you’re more focused on what’s going to fuel and nourish your body, it will make eating healthy so much easier.”
- Moderation! “It’s all about moderation. You can still indulge in things you love, but in moderation.”
- If you work 12 hours shifts, you don’t have to sacrifice exercise. “Start off by making it your first priority on your days off and then go from there.”
Resources Kim loves:
- Foundation Training has guided exercise videos that you can subscribe to and follow along to help you establish better posture and a mindful attitude.
- Podcasts – “There are tons of great podcasts about every health topic out there.”
- Food Diary – Keep track of what you eat for 7 days. Then, look at how you can subtract processed, sugary foods and replace them with nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise Diary – Keep track of your workouts by recording how far you ran, how much weight you lifted, your level of discomfort, etc. so that you can track your progress and success over time.
- Health Professionals – Personal Trainers, Registered Dietitians, online streaming workouts, and your business’s wellness program or committee are all excellent resources to use. “There’s a lot of bad information about health on the information. If you have questions or need help, reach out to a health professional who you can trust.”
If you see Kim around town or at the hospital, congratulate her on setting an excellent example of living a simplified, wellness-focused lifestyle.