These photographs of our SMH Team Members were taken prior to the required use of social distancing and masks.
Federal, state, and local leaders as well as leaders in the healthcare industry have been asking a lot from our citizens during this outbreak of COVID-19… and the latest results are showing some positive movement in flattening the curve of COVID infections over the past few weeks in Sheridan County and Wyoming. This is all due to the diligence of our community members to socially distance themselves and follow the guidelines that have been put forth to slow the spread of this virus.
While this positive trend is amazing to see, it is important that we maintain our efforts. Don’t let up now. We can all stay vigilant and do our part to make a difference. The staff at Sheridan Memorial Hospital join essential workers across the country and throughout the world in requesting all nonessential personnel stay home to help keep our community safe.
Communities around the world are facing extreme circumstances and ranges of emotion as we experience the realities of COVID-19. Many of us turn to the news to compare reports and statistics of each state and the impacts of the virus around us. We wonder how long we will need to stay home and keep social distancing. How long will we need to find things to keep us occupied and our minds off the uncertainty around us?
We may be trying movie marathons, making new recipes, and reading books that have been collecting dust on shelves. We are embracing technology, education, and each other. We continue to wave at each other from our cars, to enjoy FaceTime calls and Zoom family reunions. Our community will find the silver lining in this situation, wherever we can.
Tomorrow, and in the days to come, we ask our community to continue to stay home and make every effort to socially distance ourselves. Sheridan Memorial Hospital healthcare workers – your neighbors, family, and friends – thank you for your continued effort to keep our community healthy.