April 24, 2020
Communities around the world are facing extreme circumstances and ranges of emotion as we experience the realities of COVID-19. Many of us turn to the news to compare reports and statistics of each state and the impacts of the virus around us. It is in these very moments that we find ourselves fortunate to live in this community. The individuals and businesses across Sheridan County, and beyond, have offered support, nourishment, and protection to the staff and patients of Sheridan Memorial Hospital. In these times of uncertainty, we continue to look for the silver lining wherever we can. Sheridan Memorial Hospital’s staff feels infinite gratitude for this community – our home.
From the individuals who committed resources to the production of personal protective equipment (PPE) to the small businesses who make every effort to provide our team with a smile – even when you are struggling to get by yourselves – we find the heart of this community. In every monetary contribution, in-kind gift, expression of support, selfless donation of your supplies, meals for our staff, or Thank You, we find the heart of our community in every one of you.
Sheridan Memorial Hospital continues to receive generous offers of support from every corner of Sheridan County and beyond. Below are some of the selfless individuals, businesses, volunteers, Foundations, and corporations who have offered a helping hand since this journey of COVID-19 uncertainty began here in Sheridan County over a month ago. When we have gotten through this together, we will owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Sheridan Community. In the meantime, from all of us at Sheridan Memorial Hospital and the community we serve – Thank You. The heart of our community is in every one of you.

For more details on the efforts of Sheridan Memorial Hospital and The Foundation to support COVID-19 relief efforts, please Click Here.