
Welcome to Sheridan Memorial Hospital
1401 West 5th St. Sheridan, WY — 307.672.1000


Welcome to our website. At Sheridan Memorial Hospital, our goal is that every patient, family member and community member has a positive experience in our facility and this goal includes visitors to our website. We hope that it is easy to navigate, informative, functional, professional, and serves your needs.

We are striving to create a culture of kindness here at our hospital. As we look to the future, it is important for me to consider how we will be effective in achieving our goals. In my mind, there is nothing more vital than our culture and I feel it is my responsibility to set the tone. From my perspective, culture is the atmosphere we create every day, the behaviors that define who we are as a people and further as an organization. Culture also encompasses our individual values, what we believe in, how we act in good times and through adversity. We’re all individuals; however, collectively as Sheridan Memorial Hospital, we must stand together as a group and tell our story. Critical to our story is why we exist, what we believe in, and where we are going as a hospital and as a leader in this community of healthcare.

I welcome all of you as partners, to join me in creating a culture of kindness, to view leadership not by position but as a responsibility that we all have through our actions, and to create an atmosphere that inspires us all to put our patients first every time. The confidence we are able to instill in our patients and physicians by creating positive experiences will be our measure of success and only through this achievement will we attain our vision: When people think of excellent healthcare, they think of Sheridan.

It is a privilege to be a part of this organization, a source of great pride in the Sheridan community, an organization that affects the lives of hundreds of people every day – we hope to exceed all of your expectations.

As you explore our website, please feel free to contact me or any of our staff with questions, comments, or suggestions.

Mike McCafferty
CEO, Sheridan Memorial Hospital