By Kristi Ramsey, RN, BSN, RCIS, CVRN – Sheridan Memorial Hospital Cath Lab Manager
The connection between diabetes and the heart starts with high blood sugar levels. Over time, those high sugar levels cause the arteries in the body to become hard and stiff. The less pliable the arteries are the greater chance for fatty deposits to build upon the inside of the vessel wall. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. These fatty deposits are also commonly called plaque buildup. The plaque can build upon itself to the point where it can completely stop blood flow to the heart muscle.
How can the heart be protected against other diseases such as diabetes?
- Maintain a normal blood pressure: less than or equal to 120/80 mmHg
- Keep Cholesterol in check – Normal range is less than or equal to 100mg/dl
- Stay in optimal weight range for your age and stature
- Be physically active: recommendation is 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week
- Keep Blood sugars in normal range: Fasting <100; Before meal : 70-130
- Kick the habit of smoking and drinking alcohol
Some facts about diabetes:
Sheridan Memorial Hospital is hosting a free drive-by Glucose Screening on Tuesday, June 30th. If you would like your glucose checked, just come to the employee parking lot outside of the cafeteria on June 30th from 9am to 1pm. Appointments are not necessary. No need to get out of your vehicle – just follow the signs and look for the tent in the parking lot on the North side of the hospital cafeteria. Health care professionals will be out there to give you a quick glucose test. They will also provide healthy heart information on living with heart disease and a handout on how to use your dinner plate format to help you plan healthy meals.
We do ask that wear a face covering when you come and if you are not feeling well that day, please stay at home.