Generous individual, corporate and foundation donors make a difference in the lives of our families and friends every day.

- There are no operational deductions from your gift
- 100% of every donation goes toward the intended philanthropic project.
- All gifts are tax deductible
- The entirety of your gift stays in your rural community, ensuring its growing needs are met.
Greatest Need
- Patient Care Improvement Projects In 2021 SMH’s Employee Partners put their contribution toward multiple equipment upgrades, directly enhancing the comfort and care for patients in numerous departments at SMH. The equipment purchases include patient recliners, transport chairs, a patient portable lift system, and new Stryker Stretcher. Over 475 staff members participated in the hospital’s Employee Partner Program and donated nearly $50,000 through biweekly payroll deductions. This unique philanthropic program allows SMH employees to vote on a strategic project in the hospital’s area of greatest need, with the monies accumulated over the past year. “We are so grateful for our employee’s each and every day,” expresses Chief Development Officer Cody Sinclair. “This funding opportunity is just another example of how our employees care deeply for our patients, their comfort, and the overall community we live in. Their kindness and care is what makes this program and SMH so rewarding to be a part of.”
- Respiratory BIPAPs
- Diagnostic Equipment
- Clinical Scholarship Endowment This year over 20 clinical scholarships were awarded for specialty training and education. Congratulations to Piper Stevie, our 2022 Cato Scholar Awardee who received $5,000 to support her educational goals. Piper is currently enrolled as a student in the Nursing Program at Sheridan College while working as a Phlebotomist in the SMH Outpatient Lab.
Transitional Care Unit
- Healing at Home The response from our community in support of the new Transitional Care Expansion is truly remarkable. We are grateful to the more than 1,000 local foundations, donors, physicians, and employee partners who contributed to the Transitional Care Expansion project. We celebrate the opening of this expansion and our community’s generosity that made this all possible. Your support ensures families and friends have a recuperative and supportive place to heal following an injury, surgery, or serious illness – right here at home.
Special Projects
- GAP Program The Foundation’s 13th Annual Golf Tournament raised more than $20,000 that went toward SMH’s Patient GAP Fund, which helps ensure successful recovery for patients after hospital care.
- Dialysis
- Family Safety
- Hospice
Cancer Screening & Prevention
Comfort and Care for Cancer Patients With hundreds of participants, volunteers, and cancer survivors at the 2022 Link, this year’s $50,000 raised will go toward the Comfort Care Program at the Welch Cancer Center (WCC). These one-time grants enable the WCC team to help with unexpected costs associated with providing additional comfort and care after a cancer diagnosis.
COVID-19 Community Support
- Staff Support