19forCOVID19 features stories of care, creativity, kindness, and support offered to Sheridan Memorial Hospital and The Foundation amidst the outbreak and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic. The individuals, businesses, and donors highlighted, represent the hundreds of contributions SMH has received since the virus arrived in Sheridan County, earlier this year. These are just a few of the places and faces that make this more than a place we live, but where we are genuinely proud to call home. With humility, kindness, and gratitude – thank you for coming together and reminding us why we are proud to care for and serve this community. Thank you for being the heart of our community.
Best Western, Frackelton’s, Luminous Brewhouse, Dairy Queen, Midas, Sheridan Pilot’s Association, Girl Scouts of MT and WY, Dave Kawulok, Coca-Cola, Homer A. & Mildred S. Scott Foundation, Beckie Ajayi, Bethesda Worship Center, Carri Brewer, Ms. Coulter’s Class Meadowlark Elementary, Wyoming Technology Coronavirus Coalition, Tammy and Pete Tarver, Sheridan College, Mary Ann Bone and St. Peter’s Episcopal Church