Originally published on January 18, 2021 and updated August 19, 2021, when the Eagle Wings revisted SMH to continue their mission.
Eagle Wings is a passionate group of young girls who have come together to bring joy, entertainment, and gifts to Sheridan Memorial Hospital patients all year round. The group uses their artistic talents to create and sell their crafts, fundraising later to purchase gifts for patients at your community hospital. Many of the gifts are geared towards pediatric patients, as Eagle Wings’ efforts are inspired by one of their young founders and her own experiences in the hospital a short time ago.
Young leaders like this are what make this community stronger and brighter in the future. These philanthropists are indeed the epitome of paying it forward and loving thy neighbor. Thank You, Eagle Wings, for being a gleaming example of kindness and gratitude.
The below letter has been written by some of their inspiring group members to share their passion and the meaning of their name Eagle Wings with our patients.

To learn more about giving back to your community hospital, visit sheridanhospital.org/foundation and explore how that fits your own passions best.