Listen to what Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Jordan McCoy, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES from Sheridan Memorial Hospital shares about SMH’s
Welcome to Sheridan Memorial Hospital
1401 West 5th St. Sheridan, WY — 307.672.1000
Listen to what Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Jordan McCoy, MS, RDN, LD, CDCES from Sheridan Memorial Hospital shares about SMH’s
SMH’s Own Megan Ripley, RN Shares Her Journey of Wellness & Diabetes
Stacy Windon was a recent patient in Sheridan Memorial Hospital. Below is her experience in her own words.
More than one out of four older adults fall each year. These falls are NOT a normal part of aging and are serious and costly, causing broken bones
Newsworthy stories about pharmaceutical misuse and abuse can add an extra layer of complexity to our daily doctor-patient
In our country, someone experiences a stroke every 40 seconds. This debilitating and deadly injury to the brain causes a U.S. death every 3.5
January 23, 2019 On Friday, December 14, 2018, students from Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) group presented proceeds from their fundraising efforts to Sheridan Memorial Hospital representatives. The students gave a check for $1,500 to the hospital’s Welch Cancer...
I am a nurse at the Welch Cancer Center, and I love my job. Every day my incredible coworkers and I come together with the same goal- to give
We know how important you are in the healing of your loved one. The following guide is intended to
Life can feel especially hard and overwhelming for children and families right
T.R. and Emily Shelby spent many wonderful years
It may not be the most glamorous subject, but talking about colorectal cancer saves lives. Unlike many cancers, we have effective tools to help
Taylor Wendtland came to Wyoming Rehab after living with moderate to severe low back pain for nearly 10 years. The pain affected his ability to participate
Bonnie Brester had a rough year. Her husband
May 22, 2019 Written by Ian Hunter, MD at Sheridan Memorial Hospital's Internal Medicine I’m often amazed by how little patients fear the thought of a significant health event such as heart attack. In contrast, the toughest rancher’s voice will...
The use of natural testosterone and testosterone supplements has skyrocketed the past few years. Dr. Christopher Prior offers his insights on this
April 24, 2020 Communities around the world are facing extreme circumstances and ranges of emotion as we experience the realities of COVID-19. Many of us turn to the news to compare reports and statistics of each state and the impacts...
Sheridan Memorial Hospital and The Foundation continue to be humbled by the generous offers of support from every corner of Sheridan County and beyond. In every monetary contribution, in-kind gift, expression of support, selfless donation of your supplies, meals for...
A heartfelt, THANK YOU to our Human Resources department. Healthcare Human Resources Week–the third week of March–is designated to recognize human resources professionals in healthcare organizations for their important role. We salute our HR department for the many ways they...
Saturday, October 21st, the Sheridan Memorial
Eagle Wings is a passionate group of young girls who have come together to bring joy, entertainment, and gifts to Sheridan Memorial
When families or individuals struggle to afford food for the next meal, it becomes difficult to focus on
December 18, 2019 Our Gratitude tells the story of how your gifts are responsible for ensuring excellent patient care for our community. Our Board President’s account of the kindness and care her family received is just one of the many...
The past year has been a remarkable one for all of us to reflect on. Be it personal or professional; we have faced our own set of challenges that could
Small actions make a big difference. As we close the chapter on 2019 and open to the opportunities ahead in 2020, our community made countless efforts to ensure that the past year’s legacy continues to live on. Read more about...
At Sheridan Memorial Hospital volunteers are an integral part of our daily routine. During National Volunteer Week in April, we were pleased to honor the over 100 hardworking individuals who give us their time and talents every day. During these...
The Patient Portal: Knowledge is Power…but knowledge is more powerful when we put it into
December 2019 On Thursday, December 12, Sheridan Memorial Hospital employees gathered for a special breakfast and celebrated their contributions to the hospital’s Foundation. Currently over 516 staff members participate in this unique philanthropic program and donate through biweekly payroll deductions. In...
Sheridan Memorial Hospital’s (SMH’s) Transitional Care Unit (TCU) is a hospital-based short-term
When Mary Skretteberg severely broke her ankle in September 2019, the prescription of a prolonged hospital stay felt like insult added to
The Sheridan Memorial Hospital Foundation is excited to announce its Transforming Transitional Care Campaign. A Transitional Care Unit (TCU) is a recuperative and supportive place to heal
When you think of excellent health care, you think of Sheridan. This not only applies to your Emergency Room visits or the birth of newborns
Having a comfortable, private environment to heal and regain strength and confidence for a safe
Due to the generous contributions over the past seven months, The Foundation is nearing the finish line of the Transitional Care Expansion Campaign.
by Lacey Johnson, MSN, RN, Medical-Surgical Manager at Sheridan Memorial Hospital TCU is, most often, a short-term care facility for medically complex patients who are transitioning from the hospital to home. At Sheridan Memorial Hospital, our TCU is designed to...
From changes to one’s daily schedule to the adjustments necessary to return home – Sheridan Memorial Hospital’s transitional care
by Kristopher Schamber, MD at Sheridan Memorial Hospital's Internal Medicine Practice November 2019 Transitions of care from one’s current living environment to another often is one of the biggest decisions a person or their care partner must make. Transitions can...
The Sheridan County Sportsmen’s Association (SCSA) presented a check for $10,000 to the Sheridan Memorial Hospital (SMH) Foundation
Cancer Shoot Event Coordinators Sherrie Johnson, Sally Labore & Tracy LandeisAugust 8, 2019 The organizers of an Annual Cancer Benefit Trap Shoot recently delivered a check for $4,200 to the Sheridan Memorial Hospital Foundation as a result of funds raised...
The Sheridan County Sportsmen’s Association is once again hosting its Cancer Benefit Trap Shoot with funds raised going to help patients at
Each year, Sheridan County welcomes thousands of
October 2019We are excited to announce that Nina Beach and Dee Gilson were recognized at the Annual Wyoming Nurses Association Nursing Summit & Convention in Lander earlier this month.Nina Beach, AOCNP, Excellence in Advanced Practice Nursing - This award is conferred on...
For the second year in a row, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that Sheridan Memorial Hospital (SMH)
September is National Recovery Month. I hope this column is helpful to you in understanding addiction and recovery. Mr. B is a polite, quiet
David Nickerson, MD, urgent care physician at SMH, has completed the necessary training through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
April is National Volunteer Month and Sheridan Memorial Hospital is thankful for all of our wonderful volunteers. This month we’re highlighting one of the newest members of the SMH volunteer family, Aaron Jensen. After graduating from high school in 2019,...
Lynnet Bede, the Nurse Manager for the Watt Dialysis Center here in Sheridan, was recognized as the Dialysis Clinic, Inc’s (DCI’s) 2022 Employee of
Did you know that breast cancer is one of the few
Sheridan Memorial Clinics now offer text
These photographs of our SMH Team Members were taken prior to the required use of social distancing and masks. Federal, state, and local leaders as well as leaders in the healthcare industry have been asking a lot from our citizens...